Lifecycles Sessions
“Embrace each cycle, Prepare for each beginning and each end.”
Lifecycle work recognises the creative en-livening force of love and seeks to set people free from the opposite forces of stagnation and fear. It recognises the seasons and cycles of life and their role in each person’s evolution through their life on Earth.
Its transformative approach is to use the power of the heart and the wisdom of the head to enable actions that truly inspire each person’s life and their communities and society for the good.
Its mission is to awaken joy, delight and aliveness in the lives of all they serve and for this joy and delight to ripple out into our world, which faces so many transformational challenges at this time in the Earth’s history.
To awaken the power of the heart, head and body to guide the lives of those we serve many modalities are used individually and in combination according to each person’s needs and preferences. Those available for individual or small group work are listed below. Other specialists and specialities are added for workshops when appropriate.
Available modalities:
Purpose finding work
Voice dialogue and parts work
Voice work - singing & speech
Artistic activities
Story and biography work